Monday, January 24, 2011

The Show Is The Thing.

I'm a behind the camera sort of person.  That's okay.  Not everyone belongs on the stage.

His sister is always practicing for the "show." 

I remember her talking about this for over a year.  She likes to be the center of attention.

Others are preparing for the show also.  

The Barbies have put on their best and have come out to watch.

Others want to see the show.

Jessica and Scooby Doo are waiting.  They've become good friends. 

Show biz people.  I mean really!  This one kind of worries me.  

Remember to practice for the show. 


  1. Whew that last gal, she looks like her lips hurt! You know, I think I will just stand in line with my ticket, wait to get in, and just watch.

  2. You know something are a very good MeMaw! You care for your grandchildren so much and share so much of them here...dont ever let anyone ever tell you YOU dont care and love these children! Love and miss you!

  3. Thank you Karen. I miss you too.
