Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Challenges of a business person

I know and like a woman who has decided to end her business.  She is a lovely, caring person who had the most sincere hopes for a successful business that contributed to her community and served her customers. 

Like all small businesses during the recession, she has struggled to keep it together for some time now.  I have seen her start to loose heart and passion for her business.  A business owner needs heart and passion.  When it goes bad, it can take a toll on the mental and emotional well being of a business owner.  Everyone looks to the owner to provide - a product, a paycheck, a secure and stable presence.

But what I really want to write about is the toll a failing business has on a marriage.  Entrepreneurship involves financial risk.  Financial loss can feel like betrayal.  Loss of security. Failure.  It bleeds into a marriage.  That is happening to the woman I'm writing about.  She and her husband are separated, I'm hoping temporarily.  Neither want to be separated.  Both see the situation differently.  The woman is a sensitive soul.  The husband is a nice guy.  I wish them the best. 

The Osborne's business had their own times of struggles during the recession.  It appears to be in the past.  I check every day to make sure we are staying in the black.  But there was a time.  Most of 2009 and the first four months of 2010 were the worst.  Every day was one nightmare after another.  When things are going bad and the buck stops with you, I just can't tell you.  We had some big problems.  My husband and I work together pretty well the majority of the time.  The fact that we are very different people in our approach to life and in our talents, skills and abilities can be really great when we are working together well.  But during the worst times, we lost track of each other and went floundering about on our own.  It was horrible.  Eventually, the tough times brought us closer.  Today, you couldn't pry us apart with tools.

So to you, T and J.  Please work it out.  Twenty years of marriage is more important than loss of money.  Land this thing with dignity and move on together.  Forgive each other for your mistakes.  You've both made them.  T just told me "I just need to feel safe."  J just asked me "what were we thinking?"  You had a dream which would have been successful in another place and time.  Feel safe in each other.  Land this thing with your heads high and move on together. 

Remember to have faith in each other.     

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