Tuesday, June 21, 2011

More Changes

Actually, going to the doctor was not the beginning of the story.  We've known for awhile that changes were needed.  We'd been working too hard and not living enough.  When we were in the middle of it, we did what we had to do.  But now, we are looking for a better quality of life.

We had gotten way too sedentary.  All that time working at our desks, working hard.  We needed some exercise.  We had both been very active in the past.  It's not like we are or have ever been couch potatoes, but we needed exercise.  We live in a rainy area.  Weather to walk or run couldn't be trusted. 

We went to the store to buy a Wii, but came home with an Xbox 360 Kinect.  Really cool.  We start with a warm up.  Tai Chi.  It looks like this.  The character on the left is the instructor.  My image is projected onto the screen as the image to the right.  There are verbal and auditory cues and instructions.  Feedback with percentage of correctness. The sensor just below the TV reads our movements.  We laugh at it and cuss it.  She's a very zen lady, never taking offense.

We also like boxing. Don't know if you can see.  The red boxing gloves are a projection of my hands being held up in front of me. 

My opponent blocking against a swing from me.

We get winded and hot swinging at the air trying to KO the computer character.  We are both pretty competitive and this really brings it out in me. 

It's fun.  We want to come home and do it. 

We got this and it is tons of fun and just wears you out.

We also have this.  Guess who likes it.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l2fCA6cZHnI&feature=related

Never been a video game person, but we are getting more fit.  It can see improvements in both of us already.