Friday, July 23, 2010

Payroll tax purgatory / Rosemary & Corn soup

My work day finds me in payroll tax purgatory.  No, nothing is wrong; everything is fine.  I just have a lot of work and some tax returns due the end of the month.  Most of my business career, I've avoided accounting, considering it boring and mundain work to be done by others.  Bad attitude, I know.

But my business has required careful cost control over the last couple of years and too much accountant time just wasn't in the budget.  So here I am.  Promising to have a better attitude about pretty much everything.

In my home life, we are beginning to get moved back into our house after being gone for about a month during some major repairs.  Since many of the kitchen things I look for are still packed, I'm limited.  Still I dream; and we eat as best as we can.  Corn soup with Rosemary from the herb garden.  Worthy of the dream, but I'm going to work on the recipe a bit longer before I post it.  Since I'm talking to myself again, it doesn't really matter.

French bread with hummus.

My tomatoes are starting to ripen and I'm dreaming of tomato salads, salsa, and sun-dried tomatoes.  My pea crop wasn't much, but I should have a good crop of beans.

Oh, and there is carpet in my living room.  I'm very happy.  Life will go back to normal soon.  Remember to dream.

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