Sunday, August 21, 2011


I just love this plant. It's a blackberry. It lives in my side yard  A friend gave me a start a few years ago.   

One of the great things about this plant is that it is thornless.  If you've picked many blackberries, you know the benefits of that. 
 Another benefit is that its berries are really big and plump and blackberry flavored.  And, well, Big.

Breakfast for Papa.  Summer is so short around here.  Find pleasure where you can.   


  1. Does it wander? My raspberries would be all over the backyard if I did not get rid of the little shoots coming up. Big berries like that would be wonderful.

  2. Melynda, My raspberry wanders like that also. So far, the black berry has been pretty easy to keep contained. The occasional sprout but not many and I just dig them or pull them. Right now all my sprouts are spoken for. You can the next one if you want it.

  3. Love fresh berries, wish I had them in my yard!

  4. Thanks very much for the blog visit, and i hope to see you again for a visit. Richard

  5. Im back after a little blog break, and i just wanted to see what your site was up to. Richard

  6. What a great posting !Big berries like that would be wonderful.

  7. Blackberries are really good for health. Thanks for sharing this post, I too will start adding them in my breakfast.

    B&B Brugge                   

  8. Hello. If this is LeAnn, I used to work for you. I've missed your family for a long time. My name is April Dorlarque. My husband was very sick and passed. I'm in Arizona now, and I have a five year old miracle baby. I just wanted to wish you all more and more luck, love, and happiness. Please feel free to contact me if you choose. If not I understand. Please tell Darrell, Josh, Amanda, and the kids that I said hi. Take care, LeAnn, and thank you for everything you taught me.
