Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Pacific NW Stew

I'm working on a recipe for Pacific NW Stew.  I'm interested right now in wondering where my food came from.  I've discovered that no local beef is readily available in grocery stores, so we've ordered a 1/2 a beef from a local rancher.  But there is local fish and seafood.  I toyed with a fun attempt at seafood stew this week which tasted good but wasn't quite right.  I've carried servings to work this week in my small crockpot and turned it on mid morning.  It has been nice and bubbly hot by lunch. 

Husband ate it without complaint.  If I can get the same ingredients, I'll be doing it again  with improvements next week with more of the same ingredients going into the freezer for later.  I've decided the freezer is my new friend.

Husband and I took a lovely drive to the beach on Saturday.  We are about 1 hour away most directly, but we aimed for a town slightly south and ended up with a 1 1/2 hour one way drive.  It occured to me that I could have brought the big ice box and bought fresh fish or dungeonous crabs from the local fish people and brought them back to my new friend, the freezer, at modest cost.  Why did I not think of this before?  It isn't that hard.

We stopped for a delicious meal of steamer claims, french bread, and white wine and came back home happy. Check back for the new and improve NW Stew recipe.

I'm a lucky girl to be from the Pacific Northwest.  There are so many worse places in the world and so many people who have a worse life.  Use local resources.

Remember to be happy and grateful with where you live. 

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